
User interface design, visual design and user experience design on a foundation of graphic design, illustration and brand design.


James Mo

I studied graphic design at Salford University graduating in 1997 and went on to design at small design agencies in Manchester. While at these agencies, I studied interactive design which was in its infancy during this time.

After landing a short role as a television presenter and producer, I grew keen to work in the broadcast and media industry. I soon moved to London to work as a web designer for national network radio stations Heart and Galaxy.

Since then I have worked with design agencies and in client side design roles for organizations, large and small, with notable experience in the broadcast and media industry.

I now have more than 26 years design experience, working in user interface design, brand identity, print, web design and art direction.

My personal creative work primarily involves photography and learning about contemporary artists and printmakers. I enjoy discovering art through art fairs like The Other Art Fair, the Art Car Boot Fair and the London Art Fair, which I’ve been going to for many years, and reporting my discoveries on my Instagram feed.

Check out my photography site jamesmo.co.uk

My creative approach is focused on improving business with better communication through the use of design. My passion for UI design is fuelled by the empathy I have for an audience in order to create products that improve our interaction with the digital world.





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